Adopting a Pet

Do you want to adopt a pet?

Well here are a few reasons that pet adoption is the caring choice:

Saving Lives

Where ever you plan to adopt an animal from you are saving more than one life.  Yes every animal; cat, dog, or other species; that is adopted allows room for another animal to be taken in and given a chance at adoption.  Adoption is a constant cycle of saving lives through caring and it is the RIGHT thing to do!

Advance Knowledge of Animal

You know in advance what kind of cat, dog, or other animal you are getting (especially if the cat, dog, or other animal is an adult).  When you are looking for that caring pet there are many things to consider, tempermant and interaction ability are just a couple of these things.  If you adopt an adult animal such as a cat, or dog; you have the comfort of knowing in advance what their behaviors are, and what may or may not be an issue.  If you are looking for a cat or dog that will into your family seemlessly, then adoptng an adult cat or dog is the way you want to go.

An instant friend for Life

Anyone who has been caring enough to adopt an adult cat or dog will tell you; their bond with the caring friend is as deep and loving as any bond they have.  Cats, dogs, or any animal for that matter; that has been uprooted from their life or just not cared for enough in the past wnat nothing more than to please their new caring Hero; You!  This desire makes them very caring, affectionate, and loyal friends.

Smarter than Buying

Most animal that are bought from a pet store come from an animal mill.  That is a breeder you's sole purposes is to breed animals for resale to animal stores.  This is something that adds to the total of homeless animals every year.  Another disadvantage is that these breeders seldom know anything about breeding for tempermant, and often churn out animals that may not be the nicest pets in the beginning if you know nothing about working with animals.

To fill out our Prequalifier Form please download the PDF here and complete. When you are finished, please email or fax the form back to us. Instructions are included on the form.

Click here to see our Adoption Contract, please print and bring with you. (Updated for 2022)

Pet Placement Agreement in PDF


If you are wanting to volunteer with our organization - this is our form.


Foster Program:

Foster Screening Form

Foster Agreement Form